Unless you work in the industry, understanding all the details and jargon of the insurance trade is difficult. Landmark Risk Management and Insurance is here to help! At Landmark, we answer the questions you have and make sure you get the best coverage and insurance your business needs.
General Liability, or Commercial Liability, insurance is the basic insurance that businesses are mandated to carry. General Liability provides broad coverage of many areas to protect against claims and lawsuits brought against a business. This insurance will deal with accidental property damage or bodily injury to customers. If a customer slips on a wet floor, General Liability may cover the cost of the medical care.
More Than Just Accidents
We think of General Liability when we hear about accidents and injuries, but it also helps protect your business in other ways as well. If you’re not careful when you advertise your business, services, and products, or release new marketing text and content, you could face a lawsuit. An individual could feel offended by your advertising, or you could have inadvertently violated a copyright. Should this happen, your General Liability may cover the expenses of these suits and protect your business! In fact, if any claims are made against your business, your liability insurance will provide a lawyer and handle the legal costs for you.
What ISN’T Covered?
It’s important to note that General Liability insurance in Utah does not replace other forms of insurance your business will need. Liability does not cover your employees in case of injury or insure the professional work and services you provide your customers. It will insure your business, but not other personal property. You will still need to carry auto insurance as General Liability will not cover your vehicles.
Why YOU Need It!
It may seem like this is just another bill you have to pay, but without General Liability insurance in Utah, your business is unprotected. Should the worst happen and a customer is injured, or your products and property are damaged, it could ruin your business! Lawsuits and insurance claims can take years to settle and are very expensive. If you didn’t have General Liability insurance, you would have to finance and settle these claims on your own. We hope you never need your insurance, but if you do, you’ll be glad you made the payments.
To get the best General Liability insurance, Landmark Risk Management is the place to go. When you choose Landmark, you’ll work with professionals who have years of experience. Our team will assess your needs and help you choose the right insurance policy for your business. Still, have questions? Give us a call! We’re happy to help in any way we can. We’ll give you the answers you’re looking for and can schedule your first appointment as well.
Protect your business with Landmark Risk Management and Insurance, and you’ll know you’re protected by the best. Contact us TODAY!